The Trouble With Disappointments

Grace Adu
2 min readJan 10, 2022
Photo by Lukas Zischke on Unsplash

Disappointments happen in life — yes. But for some people, that's all that happens. It's easy to say when you haven't gone through much of anything that life presents lemons to everyone. That you have to overcome the hard times. That you should learn to look at life differently. It is hard to see beyond what you have seen all your life. Perception has to be one of the most challenging things to change in the face of consistent disappointments, pains and hurts.

For some people, the first few times they are disappointed, in pain, or suffering. They try to do all of the steps.

They try to

  1. Have a different outlook.
  2. Go to therapy
  3. Meditate/Pray
  4. Go to church
  5. Get connected to a group
  6. Get involved in some activity or outreach
  7. Journal
  8. Etc…etc…etc…

It comes to a point for some people that they begin to BELIEVE that they are the exception. Like, the steps that work for others just don’t work for them. Like, their life was created and meant for pain, disappointments, and hurt. They develop an F**k You approach to life.

When you put your all into life and relationships and you try to be civil and good to others… yet your return on your investments doesn’t match (not to say you do these things for a return but you expect better from life than what you receive)it can truly being to change your makeup.

Depression tends to increase when you have been hurt so much. It's not as simple as some people make it seems. It can be (or seem to be) deeply weaved into us that we lose hope — and a person without hope walks without a light.


Life is a journey and everyone's path doesn't include the same amount of hills. Some people endure more valleys, deep dark forests, and swamps. Empathy (not sympathy) is needed. Relationships are a plus but what this person really needs is to experience something different from life…than what they have experienced. Pain tends to rob us from believing in a happily ever after.



Grace Adu

I travel and give life my review. I am a bookworm and a foodie! Get prepared to read my rollercoaster.